Intelligence is a mental Trait that measures a character’s ability to gain new knowledges and put it to use. A character with a high Intelligence understands new information quickly, puts it to use instantly, and recalls it with great clarity. Those with lower Intelligence have difficulty understanding new material and recall it imperfectly. Metaintelligence is the everything that is behond intelligence. Metaintelligence describes learning strategies as predictive models. Metaintelligence could be the missing link in between Metaphysics & Metamathematics. It states that the Art of Teaching is strongly interlinked with the Art of Predicting. Examples given inside the eBook are detailed and commented in C++ and MQL source code to include straight into your projects. When neuroscience meet N.L.P. metaprograms and source code… Discorever the secrets of a genetic swarm particule predictive quorum of votes: A powerful iteratative and pipelinable prediction method. Get access to source of code that thinks and anticipates thanks to iterative and polymorph quorum of votes . Code and decode quorum of votes that describe the future with past data through evolutive context recognition. Embed it straight into your projects with ease. We coded for you to use with simplicity. Get insights into the quorum of votes methods. Draw context dynamics and identify the most rewarding decisions familly of dynamic surjective parametric functions for predicting the near future using  present and past samples. Dynamically analyse the past and identify surjective functions from the past and present into the near future using iterative A.I. dynamic quorum of votes methods, traning-pools of votants, genetic mutations, iterative heavy flow piping, swarm particules genetic solver, Fibonaccian time compressors and much more. The first lines of such a ceo must have spellbook:

“When they went out the caves, nearly running away from these Antic Ruines, the scrolls in their hands, they knew while running that everything will be possible now !” – Pr. H. Koppelaar, Msc. S. Laruaz. Chaos and Entropy concerns about modeling the futures with inferences from the past.

“They scanned me and this changes Everything !” -Naomi K.
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